Embassy Suites Center City
The problem:
The 48 year old structure is a conventionally reinforced concrete structure consisting of 28 levels above grade of hotel space with 4 levels below grade dedicated to parking and mechanical support for the hotel operations. In 2006 the garage underwent extensive renovations to address the severely deteriorated conditions in the main parking areas. The repairs did not address any of the mechanical areas and the waterproofing systems were not completed due to budget restrains.
The BACRÂ solution:
In 2010, the property was acquired by an established client committed to the completion of the necessary structural repairs. Bulley & Andrews Concrete Restoration analyzed the structure and identified deficiences that required restoration and provided the following services to repair the damage:
- Repair details were developed to address the extensive deterioration of the structural components
- Selection and installation of state-of-the-art waterproofing systems to protect the existing structure
- Overall repair of the structure